5 Tips To Help Build Confidence At Work

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Entering a new workspace can be one of the most nerve-wracking things you can go through. Will I be judged for not knowing how to do something? Will they think my ideas are dumb? What if I'm underperforming? These are a few common thoughts that might run through your head, and that is entirely normal, but here are a few tips and tricks to shake off the negative juju and put your best foot forward at work.

Ask questions

Stepping into a new job environment can be scary and anxiety-inducing, but it is also important to remember that everyone has been in the same position as you. It is entirely normal not to know the answers to everything – and no one expects you to! Though it can make you feel uncertain and insecure, asking questions whenever you're not sure will be much appreciated and will help you do your job better as well.

Accept that mistakes will be made

It is only natural for us always to want to put our best foot forward and submit work that is perfect but setting this standard and having this expectation for yourself may cause more harm than good. Setting unattainable expectations that are too high may be more damaging to your confidence than you may be aware of, affecting your mental well-being and work ethic.


This is not an excuse to submit sub-par work but should serve as a reminder that everyone will eventually make mistakes, and it is only through making mistakes that we will grow and learn.

Be open to criticism

Accepting that you will make mistakes comes with receiving feedback and criticism. Though you may have put hours into a deck expecting it to blow your boss's minds, and you're super proud of it, it is also important to note that constructive criticism is not a personal attack on you. Remember, your supervisors are here to help, offering feedback as a way for you to improve yourself and understand specific requirements that you may have missed.


Being open to criticism also means putting your ego aside and letting the people around help you become better. Ultimately, everyone's goal in a workspace is to put out the best work they can and work well together. Taking this step will not only make your life easier but make your colleague'’ lives easier as well.  


Go above and beyond

Whenever you've received a new project or a new assignment, go above and beyond to knock the ball out of the park. Suggest new ideas, methods to go about it, new processes, or potential clients. Every little input you can give counts and can make significant changes. By following this advice, people around you will also recognise you for providing valuable feedback, and you'll probably get good feedback from others and positive reassurance.

Celebrate your achievements

Last but not least, do not forget to celebrate the small wins! No matter how big or small, every success is still considered a win and deserves to be celebrated. Give yourself a pat on your back whenever someone recognizes your efforts because you should be your own biggest cheerleader, and you know yourself best. Take time out of a week to reflect and think about your successes and celebrate them.


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